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  • Taking Chances, Homeless to Venture Capitalist, Adoptive Granda, Giveaway Winner Announced

Taking Chances, Homeless to Venture Capitalist, Adoptive Granda, Giveaway Winner Announced

Hey there!

It's that time again – our weekly dose of joy, inspiration, and wellness is here to brighten your day!

But first - be sure to read all the way to the bottom and see the lucky subscriber who won our monthly giveaway!

Now, let's dive into our special blend of stories and tips designed to uplift and energize you.

🌸 Positive Corner

"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The one who goes the furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare." ~ Dale Carnegie

This quote is a nudge, a whisper, and a shout all at once. It urges us to step out of our comfort zones. Life's richest experiences often come from the chances we're brave enough to take.

So, why not dare to dream a little bigger today?

Why not just say YES! to that opportunity that's been dangling in front of you?

Why not step out on faith that ... yes you can overcome anything that pops up when you take the chance (because you have friends ... you have knowledge ... you have experience)

Let's embrace the unknown with open arms and a heart full of courage. After all, the greatest adventures and deepest connections are just one chance away.

Ready to leap?

🧘‍ Motivation in Motion

Meet Arlan Hamilton, a beacon of resilience and determination. She went from homeless to millionaire venture capitalist.

From her early days founding an indie magazine to becoming a venture capitalist powerhouse with Backstage Capital, Arlan's journey is nothing short of inspirational.

Her story, highlighted in her book "It's About Damn Time," teaches us that being underestimated can be our greatest advantage.

Arlan's commitment to funding underrepresented entrepreneurs reminds us that with vision and tenacity, we can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

See more about Arlan here: Arlan Hamilton Wikipedia Page

Let's carry her spirit of perseverance into our own lives!

😊 Wellness Tip

I LOVE This Blender! Every morning I use it to mix up a quick smoothie of water, protein shake mix, honey, and a bit of extra for my taste buds. It’s small. It’s powerful enough to cut through a few ice cubes, frozen fruit, and more.

Introducing the Portable Blender - the perfect solution for those who want a blender that can be used anywhere. You can now get this powerful USB-powered blender for FREE, all you have to do is cover the shipping cost!

The Portable Blender is compact and lightweight, making it easy to take with you wherever you go. With its built-in battery, it can power itself on the go. Its six stainless steel blades are designed to crush ice, fruits, and vegetables effortlessly, giving you delicious shakes every time.

📰 Good News of the Day

From the heart of Gold Coast, Australia, comes a story that warms the soul. New mom Nina Peterson, feeling the pangs of loneliness, reached out to her community for an "adoptive grandma" for her and her baby.

The response was overwhelming, but it was 61-year-old Christine Arnott who became the perfect match. Their bond over the past six months has blossomed into a beautiful, familial connection, proving that family isn't always about blood; it's about love.

This story is a testament to the incredible power of community and the unexpected joy that comes from opening our hearts.

📚 We Recommend You Read

Today we have a guest newsletter owner - Caleb Cabugon, owner of The Bookish Insight newsletter. Here are his recommendations:

Books that can help you have a positive mindset and stoke self-care

For having a positive mindset:

  1. Atomic Habits by Clear James

This a favorite by yours truly, Atomic Habits by Clear James helps you break bad habits and helps you understand how tiny changes can lead to remarkable results, helping readers build positive habits that stick.

  1. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

This book is a guide to spiritual enlightenment that emphasizes, living in the present moment. Tolle's insights help you navigate past anxieties and future fears to find peace in today.

  1. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck

This book gives us an understanding of the fixed vs. growth mindset that revolutionizes how we see our potential, teaching us to embrace challenges and persevere for personal development.

For the Soul: Self-Care and Wellness

  1. "The Self-Care Prescription" by Robyn Gobin

    A holistic look at self-care that goes beyond bubble baths and sheet masks. Gobin empowers readers to create a personalized self-care routine that addresses physical, mental, and emotional health.

  2. "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo

    Kondo's now-famous method isn't just about decluttering your space but also about choosing joy and order in your life, promoting a serene and positive environment.

  3. "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz

    This book offers a simple yet powerful code of personal conduct learned from ancient Toltec wisdom. It's a guide to personal freedom and a life of true happiness.

For Reflection: Journaling and Creativity

  1. "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron

    Cameron's book is a twelve-week course that guides readers in discovering and recovering their creative self. It's about unblocking creative energies and using them for positive change.

  2. "Burn After Writing" by Sharon Jones

    A different take on journaling, this book invites you to spill your thoughts without fear of judgment, encouraging honesty with yourself and leading to a healthier mindset.

Each book on our list promises not just to be read but to be experienced. As we journey through their pages, let's remember that the pursuit of a positive mindset and self-care is ongoing. It's about making choices every day that align with our well-being and happiness.

Happy Reading!

Thanks, Caleb!

And the winner of this month’s GiveAway - The 5 Minutes A Day Self-Care Journal - is Shelly Mangold! Shelly - watch your email because I’m sending you details on how you can get this journal.

Okay, that’s it for this week. So many good things, right?

Remember, life is about the chances we're willing to take and the connections we're open to making.

Here's to a week filled with positivity, motivation, wellness, and good news.

Keep shining, keep dreaming, and let's make every moment count!

Jennifer W.

Chief Positivity Officer

PS You're invited! To share your thoughts about the direction Self Care Genie is going. Self Care Genie Survey.